A downloadable pygame for Windows

Play the most hardest and the most stressful game, Flappy Bird, except it is a rip off by an amateur Python developer..... And it is literally my first game ever made.

Hope you like the game.

How to play

Just hit space bar or up arrow to jump


There might be some bugs in the code. Just hoping you would forgive me for that. Just told you, it's literally my first ever game I made.


FlappyBird 13 MB

Install instructions

Just install the zip file and extract the files and run the executable file and hope it works.


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Bravo 👏! Nice Game.

(1 edit)

Hey I am also trying to make Flappy Bird using Pygame but I don't know how to make it Executable,So I go through some tutorial and find about Pyinstaller but it is not working in a way. So Can You Please Help me as Developer to Developer

Just install module named auto-py-to-exe, open powershell window at the file location and run the command "python -m auto_py_to_exe" and just browse the location of file, you can leave most of the settings as same, if you wanna change something about it you can learn more about the module. Hope I helped you, if you have any further queries you can ask me

Actually I am doing it on a Linux pc which is not responding to this module but I will try, thanks for helping and happy development although we both know it is deppresing :D